Monday, August 17, 2009

Breakfast With Leftovers

Sometimes a little difference makes a good breakfast, brunch, lunch, snack or even dinner. IHOP's Machaca gave me the idea years ago, and this morning I adapted it with leftovers from yesterday.

Chopped a few bits of onion in a small amount of butter, adding some leftover chicken when the onion is softened. This morning I included a bit of cooked new potatoes from yeserday, too.

Then add beaten eggs, salt and pepper to taste -- remember, the leftovers probably have enough from the day before.

OK, so folding isn't always easy. Don't let that bother you -- just be certain it's cook through, and serve.
In Texas, of course, it's not complete without salsa. This varies so well to taste -- chicken, beef, pork, onions, bell peppers, hot peppers, potatoes, broccoli -- whatever suits your taste. We just tend to think of it as too much trouble. It's not. And, it's not confined to breakfast, either.

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