Friday, January 13, 2023

Ribeye Steaks, Not Grilled


A series of events left Beloved Husband and I alone Thanksgiving 2022. We purchased good ribeyes for four, but our son-in-law was hospitalized the day before Thanksgiving, his and our daughter's went into the freezer for later. We had small, new Yukon Gold potatoes, and BH asked for creamed peas. 

It was chilly and raining, so I found some “how to” fix those steaks on the stove. That worked beautifully and BH said to save the recipe. Here it is. I did get help from several sources on the web. One was , who had a good chart for timing. The majority of the others used similar sear/oven timings and were too many to list.

We fixed the remaining two steaks a week later - definitely repeatable process, but this time both were medium rare - not as long in the oven. Four minute sear for each side - three minutes in the oven. Beloved Husband doesn't like his as rare as I do, but we discovered the first time that his came out more medium and he opted to try my timing. It's all in the timing! If you choose a thicker steak, add time in the oven accordingly.

(For family members - that is the large dinner plate, not the "breakfast" plate we usually use. I know - a large ribeye, made two meals!)


  • 2 to 4 1” ribeye steaks (if yours are thicker, remember the oven timing increases)
  • Lawrey’s Seasoned Salt
  • Garlic powder
  • Butter
  • (Your favorite steak seasoning if it’s not the above)


  1. (Sear in an oven-safe skillet, or cast iron and save a pan. I cooked two in a rather large cast iron skillet, not touching.)
  2. Thirty minutes prior to grilling, set the steaks out to warm to room temperature.
  3. Just before cooking, spread your seasoning across the top side of the steaks.
  4. I cooked two in a rather large cast iron skillet, not touching.
  5. Preheat oven to 350f.
  6. Turn the heat up high on the pan, and melt a tablespoon of butter, then add the steaks seasoned side down. (I cooked our two in a rather large cast iron skillet, not touching.)
  7. Sear for three to four minutes depending on how you like your steak. (We do medium, some pink in the middle, so seared for four minutes each side.)
  8. Season the unseasoned side while searing the first side.
  9. Turn and sear the second side for three to four minutes.
  10. If you like your steak rare, your work is done. Otherwise, place the skillet/steaks in the oven to continue cooking. Five minutes, then resting before serving gave us a medium steak.

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