Thursday, June 9, 2011

Seven Layer Salad

Sorry -- once again no photos, and they look so lovely with these salads! Tonight our 42 Domino group feasted on summer salads and desserts.  The buffet included potato salad, chicken salad, grape salad and my Seven Layer Salad in green.

There are multiple variations of this salad.  The prime requisite is a straight sided glass salad bowl to display the layers.  The variation I used tonight was a green and white combination:


Finely chopped iceberg lettuce
Fresh baby spinach leaves
Package of frozen peas, large and juicy
Thinly sliced bunch of green onions, include quite a bit of the tops
Thinly sliced stalks of celery - the greener the better
One cup of Miracle Whip mixed well with two tablespoons of granulated sugar
Sprinkle top with crushed pecans

Place in bowl one layer at a time, proportioned for the size of the bowl. Today I used one head of lettuce, one package of baby spinach leaves, four short stalks of celery (the tops, which are greener).

I was short a bit of Miracle Whip (bad planning on my part) so I added enough softened cream cheese to make the cup, then spread it over the top to create a seal.  Covered and put in the fridge, the flavors meld to a marvelous taste.  I added the nuts just before heading for dinner.

This can be made very colorfully, too, by using colored leaf lettuce, substituting colored peppers for the celery (or just add another layer!) and topping with cheese instead of nuts.  Some recipes call for a topping of crisp flaked bacon -- I prefer maple flavored!

Make it pretty, but keep those merging flavors in mind when creating new varieties of this favorite.  Please post comments with your favorite, too.

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